A Visit Poem by Margaret Atwood

A Visit

Rating: 3.2

Gone are the days
when you could walk on water.
When you could walk.

The days are gone.
Only one day remains,
the one you're in.

The memory is no friend.
It can only tell you
what you no longer have:

a left hand you can use,
two feet that walk.
All the brain's gadgets.

Hello, hello.
The one hand that still works
grips, won't let go.

That is not a train.
There is no cricket.
Let's not panic.

Let's talk about axes,
which kinds are good,
the many names of wood.

This is how to build
a house, a boat, a tent.
No use; the toolbox

refuses to reveal its verbs;
the rasp, the plane, the awl,
revert to sullen metal.

Do you recognize anything? I said.
Anything familiar?
Yes, you said. The bed.

Better to watch the stream
that flows across the floor
and is made of sunlight,

the forest made of shadows;
better to watch the fireplace
which is now a beach.

Teresa Ralph 19 November 2006

Does anyone know what year she wrote this poem? I am planning on using for an English Assignment. thanks

3 4 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 20 May 2020

Better to watch the stream that flows across the floor and is made of sunlight, the forest made of shadows; better to watch the fireplace which is now a beach. a very fine poem indeed. tony

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Paresh Chakra 04 December 2018

Better to watch the stream that flows across the floor and is made of sunlight, This stanga is a very gorgeous

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julia 10 October 2018

What about this poem? What means the last column

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Anthony Zugay 14 January 2013

Sounds like this poem is about a father or spouse who had a debilitating stroke. He can't use his left hand due to paralysis of that part of his brain where the stroke hit hardest. He seems to have been a Skilled carpenter. Hence all of the parts about tools and building things and types of wood. The Jesu symbol is there too. He was a carpenter also.Biblically speaking hetoo could walk on water. The person Atwood is visiting is bed-ridden and mentaly fading because of the devastating stroke. She appears to have looked at this person at one time as some sort of savior figure. By the way she mentions how person used too walk on water. Daddy's daily miracles for Daddy's little girl. Sad but touching.

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Eltee Common 15 March 2011

at the beginning i thought i understood the poem but later on it gets confusing...

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