A Walk To Remember Poem by Matloob Bokhari

A Walk To Remember

In the radiant darkness of the night time,
A vast silence was reigning over the sky
Silent music of the night touched my spirit
And blossomed flowers in the soil of my soul
Love of Allah enveloped my heart; ruled my whole self
God Who created beauty and is beauty Himself
I thought about the sufferings of the prophets of scriptures
I thought about the ungrateful children of the revolution
I heard angels saying, 'Man will shed blood on the earth.'
I listened God replying, 'I know which you know not.'
I thought about the desire driven and the greedy man
I saw the sinful soul created with deceit with base cronies
I saw Hujr bin Adi shackled with iron; stained with blood
I saw Meesam talking to tree: 'You are for me, I am for you'
My murshud said: ' Happiest are the people; strong in faith!
They prefer Allah; Allah will prefer them above all
Life is merely a story of two days; one for you, one against you'
Like a shinning dew always dancing on the petal of a rose!

Aubrie Brown: I'm not very religuous, but this intrigued me greatly. Solid write.
SYLVIA FC: A fantastic poem of great divinity. I have enjoyed very much. Keep on creating, Matloob! ! Thank you for sharing these wonderful lines from your devoted heart. A devotional poem..beautifullypennedI know, Matloob. Thank you so much for sharing this compassionate piece.
Sylvia FC: Jan G. - Beautifully crafted, spiritual, mystical, moralistic and political at the same time. But even the Umayyads weep in their graves at the horrors committed against their people.
Yuying Wang: - Life is bittersweet that's true happy life is always depend on your attitude By the way may I know who the names are in this one?

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