A Want And A Need Poem by Keith Anastase KAMOSSO

A Want And A Need

The touch my body craves for
The sight of twinkle from the bygones
The sound of my feet on the ground
The laughter of truth hidden on the above
Reason of dawn I see in the mornings

When it's all said and done you're that wide-ranging
The sound of pounded alarm as a reminder
Reminds me of you through all sensory sides
Sounds like a sweet sound of seraphs
Singing the arrival of bride to the Zion's gate

Domain of laughter my heart desires
The shelter for my soul in the skies
The warmth of my passion from the ice of trials
Troubles and time are nothing just a way through
My secret rock I hide in from the emotionless world

If the distance becomes the wall to break through
Don't face it alone when I can help to tear it down
Through better or worse I stand by you
Give me a chance to change the lonesome
Don't lift the counter alone

This history between angels and humans
The bond within love and hate
The liaison stuck among light and darkness
A bridge binding two different sides
Can only be referred to the love between us

The star I stare formerly
The light I followed from the creation
The voice I recognized from the aloofness
The unseen corner of my emotions
The light that always lead me back home

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