About Golden Fish Of Pushkin Poem by Liza Sud

About Golden Fish Of Pushkin

In the fairy tale about golden fish
there are four levels of selfishness,
from the point of veiw of true Kabbalist -
it is woman's part of establishment.

It is her desire that grows to big -
up to that - on the top level
she desires to possess even golden fish
and to send her on selfish errands,

That is how we usually treat God:
he is giving us all, he's feeding,
And what we desire from Him at last -
is to rule Him or not believe Him.


В сказке Пушкина о Золотой рыбке -
эгоизма четыре уровня,
с точки зрения верного Каббалиста -
это женская часть супружества.

И желания женские так растут -
что уже на самых вершинах
она хочет владеть даже рыбкой, чтоб
та служила ей на посылках.

Так обычно относимся к Богу мы:
он дает нам все, нас питает,
ну а мы в конце от него хотим -
управлять им, не доверяя.

Monday, November 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy tale
Daniel Brick 14 November 2016

The pastor of the Wesleyan Church I attend on Sundays, Corey is the name he goes by (no title) , gave a sermon Sunday on on two responses to God: LIFE OVER GOD, LIFE FOR GOD. The first one ignores God's authority and lives as if humanity is alone in the universe; the second one lives to be Christ-like in personal behavior and serve God's divine mission. At the end of each service, the last words Pastor Corey says are, Our prayers are finished here. Now go out into the world and BE THE CHURCH. Every Christian minister can say the same thing to his/her congregation. At that level of putting faith into actions, all Christians, all human beings, are ONE FAMILY. (But actions must be moral and humane: The Inquisition considered it proper and right to burn at the stake non-Catholic Christians and Jews. The men that operated the Inquisition were members of the Dominican order of priests: Why? Why did they believe God wanted human beings to murder human beings in His name? And it wasn't the Catholic Church which voluntarily ended the Inquisition: It was that very secular, non-believing war lord, Napoleon Bonaparte, the same one who invaded Russia to his ruin, who abolished the Inquisition. Why didn't the bishops stop it? Why?)

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