About The Voice Show Poem by Liza Sud

About The Voice Show

There is no place in 'Voice' show on TV
for the Russian music, there reigns Englishism.
But there's a lot of place for English song
With incomprehensible jerk and rap prose.

And Russian Melodiousness is not in favor,
And the jury scolds with obscenities mainly.
Is there - abroad, like behind a street fence,
one who looks for the Russian brother and waits?

Where is the affection of the Russian song
the Soviet song's majesty and its grandeur?
Our epoch will leave faded colors that whither,
With a foreign accent, so rude, in addition.

What Tchaikovsky mocks at with Monsieur Tricot -
In his era's opera - we do not know.
But on the dull scene of black color and red
We lose something precious again and again.

про шоу Голос

Русской музыке нету места
В англомании шоу Голос.
Но есть место английской песне
С непонятным рывком и прозой.

Мелодичность здесь не в фаворе,
И жюри ругается матом.
За границей, как за забором,
Видно встречи 'ждут' с русским братом.

Где же ласковость русской песни
И величественность советской?
Наше время оставит блеклость
С грубоватым чужим акцентом.

Что высмеивает Чайковский
У месье Трико - мы не знаем.
Но на красно-черных подмостках
Что-то ценное вновь теряем.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: music
Daniel Brick 10 October 2017

I agree with you: RUSSIAN MELODIOUSNESS is SOMETHING PRECIOUS. The music has GRANDEUR and alsi intimacy. Ir has a human as in Thaikovsky and Shostokovich, but it can also express religious glory as in Racmaninoff's VESPERS. And in Alexandr Scriabin we have a visionary master who turns a piano into a space ship and we journey among the stars! !

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