About What I Know About People Poem by cris son.

About What I Know About People

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i find that people only wanna hear what they wanna here. they don't really like the truth. i find that people are not really good listeners. and that people hurt the people they love and care about the most. cause they trust them and know there'll love them no matter what.
i find that not everyone are good people. alot of people in this world are mostly bad. some people don't even know who they really are or where they belong in life. some people i find speak there minds. while others are quiet and really shy.
i find that some people can't tell people what's on there minds. or how strongly they feel about something. we are all different. sometimes we go through the same things, feel the same way about something, or get hurt. but listen not everything that goes wrong is your fault. yes you make mistakes. but no bodies perfect.
i find that people are afraid to be themselves. so they act like everyone else to fit in. well i'm sorry to have to throw this at you. but wake up. high school never ends. so what if you get picked on or bullied. just be yourself. and your'll find your true friends just around the corner.
and i have something to say to all the people out there. if your hurting then let it hurt. don't commit suicide or kill someone, don't even bring a gun to school. get those thoughts outta your head. if you need someone to talk to i'm here. so don't hurt yourself. think of your loved ones.
i will admitt i felt that way once to. and i agree what people say don't help you at all. but if you hurting just hurt. the pain will go away sometime. for pain won't last forever. all though what my ex. did to me, i still never got over it. it's been almost 2 years now. and i'm still afraid to date. so if you wanna talk i'm here for you. i promise i won't lie to you. but i can't promise what i say will be what you wanna hear. cause i speak the truth. i do not lie.

by: cris son.
age: 16

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