Above And Below The Horizon Poem by Florence Badejo

Above And Below The Horizon

It's weird how things can happen so suddenly.
One minute your looking at the clouds,
The next your trying to get off the ground.
I see myself in the clouds,
I finally made it up this high just less than a year ago.
I can see images and clips splayed across the clouds.
Mostly joyous times have been playing.
The last clip I saw was not so happy though.
It was a heart wrenching tragedy but I'm not sure how it goes.
While I'm still watching it start to play on the cloud
A sudden rush of air gusts from below.
I shut my eyes to keep the wind from hurting.
It's been a while now and it's still blowing.
I crack one eye open to see what's going on.
You wouldn't believe how terrified I was.
It wasn't a wind but me falling from the sky.
I'll tell you what happens next though I'm sure you can guess.
That's right, I plummeted into the ground, arms around my chest.
This crater I'm in now is bigger than the last time this happened.
I never let myself go so high into the sky.
I let myself keep going up over the last year though.
I never should have let myself rise so far.
I always stayed low because I'd always fall.
Looking up from the crater I see how far I've fallen.
I think I'll give up on flying though, I always loose my air.
This crater is deep, I don't feel like climbing out.
I'm just gonna stay in this hole.
I thought I learned my lesson last time.
I'm just not meant to fly.
I not climbing out anymore and I give up on trying to fly.
I'll keep my proper place in the ground.
Now I won't have to risk falling from the sky.

Florence Badejo

Florence Badejo

Pawtucket, Rhode Island
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