MoonBee Canady Poems

Hit Title Date Added
' God Is... '

God, Is The Refuge
God, Is The Rock
God, Is The One, Who
Sets Eternity’s Clock

' Ride On The Wind... Forever.. '

I Want To Ride On The Wind… Forever
I Want To Ride Over Land and Sea
I Want To Ride on The Wind… Forever
… and I Want You Riding With Me…

' A Call To Big Brothers & Big Sisters... '

Beware Young Ones
Of The Internet
Beware of Saboteurs
Of Innocence

' With This Ring, I Thee Wed... '

With This Ring, I Thee Wed
And Bravely Go Where Love Has Led
A Journey Unto The Unknown
But With Hope Always Coming Home

' Masculine Majesty... '

‘ Masculine Majesty … ’
Medieval Lines # 2

Lo’ and Behold … Thy Masculine Majesty

' A Rainbow - Mist

Leave Behind Drab-Disapproving Crowds
Run In Rainbow-Mist, A Bright-Prism-Cloud
Where Iridescence Gleams Unbound
Sparkles, Head To Toe … Sky To Ground

' As Old, As East Of Eden... '

Tears - Are As Old
… As East Of Eden

Pain - Is As Old

' Do You Think, We Are Not Heard? ... '

Do You Think, We Are Not Heard
When We Speak Our Wishful Words
In Pledge, Or Praise, Or Plea
Do You Think, There Is No ‘ HE ’?

' A Heart On Fire... '

A Heart On Fire
Has Faith-Full Flames
It Rises Up
Like A Slave Unchained

' Monsters, Among Us... '

Scatter The Creeping Vapor-Stench, Away
Expose The Wake of Eerie, Fog and Shadows
And Nightshade and Fiends, and Vile-Beasts That Bay
Begone, to Taboo, Grounds, Unhallowed …

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