Why did it end again?
How could we let this happen?
When we knew the pain to be?
The love that we had destroyed,
By hurtful memories.
We belonged together
Fate matched long ago
Times shared and tears cried
For reasons we’ll only know.
Did our love really die?
Did we throw it out the door?
Do we sit in tears just thinking,
Should we have given each other once more?
Love doesn’t just die,
We just try to mask it with other things,
We lie to ourselves by actions,
Like not wearing our wedding rings.
Is this a bad dream?
Do we both want to awake?
Love has more power than anything,
Pull it together, for our sake.
© Oscar Robles
a lovely write with a bit of sadness. love the strongest emotion on earth.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I believe, There're two great poets and a novelist, that worthwhile we learn their native languages to read their original literary works, Persian for Rumi and English for Emily Dikenson and french for Gaustave Flaubert. I don't know you've struggled to learn a foreign language or no. But for me it was very hard experience! Persian is my native language, and I know a little English. Alas! I read Gustave Flaubert' novels in english! I don't know you heard of Rumi the great Persian poet. But I've read most of your poems and most of his, and i think you'll find the answers of your many questions especially, in your nice poem Again? in Rum's poems. I admire him not only for his poems but as a teacher and Great philosopher. I don't advise you to learn persian! Fortunately There're many translated poems of Rumi in English and His noteworthy unique view about love.