God tells angels
Today, I'm an artist
And, God creates colors
then, All colors exist.
وقتی غرورت به 'جمله ای' بندست
و چراغِ رابطه را
خاموش می کنی با یک ' فوت'
A silent anger, a hidden shame
An unbelievable story, full of pain
To whom I tell my secrets and fears
I fear of you and me, of unexpected tears
in fake glory of a crystal bowl
the goldfish forgets the sea!
In cages, alone birds pray and sing
'God! Bring A delicate roommate for me! '
ای ساربان جا مانده ام، از قافله غافل شدم با ابن حرامی ها به راه، تنها و سرگردان شدم
گر تو نیایی در پیم، داروغه من را می برد جلاد سینه می درد، از دهشتش بی جان شدم
دلوی بینداز و ببر، این یوسف گم گشته را از نابردارها ببین، چون یوسف اندر چه شدم
من غفلتم یک لحظه بود، مرغ هوا من را ربود از بس برایم دانه ریخت، از لانه ام بیرون شدم
scatter my burnt body,
I come back to life in veins of leaves.
lead me down to depths of earth,
I stand, and Practise love.
Above a rotary ball, named earth
Sometimes it has a deadline, a cycle
begins with emotion, ends by hate!
The moon
reflects light when the sun goes to rest
The old tree
gives bird its branch to make a nest
(دگمه ى برگشت)
كاش مى شد خضر بود و تشنگان را آب داد
يا به هر شب مانده اى يك تكه از مهتاب داد
كاش مى شد دگمه ى برگشت دنيا را فشرد
(Truth is a victim)
Truth was a glass
So bright and delicate
A wicked child broke it
قصه ی من، هزار رنگ
واژه به واژه، حرف حرف
می بردت به آسمان
نمایش قوس و قزح
'Love' İs A Sign Of Heaven
Like a seed in frozen season
Waits eagerly to grow up.
I seem really So different
Don't pay attention my difference
See amazing things in my pack!
A new poem was born
Sometime, a complex struggle
Words, intractable, disobedient
harnessing them seems impossible!
i've never found a rival, but 'myself'
A person made a mistake of taking me as an enemy
in every time i've had a serious competition with 'myself'
Inevitably, most of the time, i'm indifferent to 'myself'! !
Color Of God
God tells angels
Today, I'm an artist
And, God creates colors
then, All colors exist.
waiting, in the endless row
'What if we can choose? '
Colorless creatures wish in silent
A grant, you can choose.
In roar of Angels cheer
A miniature leaf's shrilling in row.
'I pick up this one I'll name it green'
Too low, to hear in color show.
'This one makes me crazy'
Sea Points at blue and cheers.
'I resemble you, we both are innocent'
a small Rose whispers in red's ears.
In deafening angels cheer
Colored Peacock makes a parade.
'who dares to compete with me in glory,
Who makes such elegant decision, I made? '
creatures are called, one by one
Finally, I announce confidently
'the color of God'. Angels stop cheering
And, they gaze at me with jealousy!