Ajekunrin Poem by Tosin Abegunde


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Chr: Enikeni t'o ba pe ori mi n'ibi,
Igbe rara l'ara n ke w'odo igbe rara!

I am Ajekunrin, the prince of light!
Husband-In-Chief among men:
First son of Iyalode O-so-ro-n-ga,
Incarnated blissfully by o-sa-me-ji
For the dowry of a swift shadow'd
Who kills her foe devoid of sword.

In my own sacred-coven-vicarage,
We dine like there's no tomorrow:
We from the hand, eat ones head;
From liver, we directly eat a heart;
Bile we eat, through intestines,
We are consuming fiercy furnace!

I am Ajekunrin, a wandering stone
Chief Security Officer of Olodumare
That knows His strength in prime,
His infirmities are clear before me.
I've been with Him since inception
When no sea, land, or air exists
As ancient as His days, so I am!

Two cent flies cannot waylay flies:
For like the flaming sword, I move
I visit just like a thunderstorm
Fulfilling fixless frustrating fury
That darts during dooms day!

I am Ajekunrin, a prince of Osugbo
That navigated the world of old,
Championing the speed of light
A stone that scatters lizard's head.

As an egg shell retains not water,
So a stone shot at bird in anger kills it not.
Axe curbs you to ask for my sake,
Tonardo forbids you fight on me,
Hoe shuns your bad talk about me
No one kills a dog because it barks
The old, the young, bow for razor!

I am Ajekunrin, a stumbling block
That has the sword of vengeance.
As osibata lives above the waters,
I'll ever be above my adversaries
Ogbo has heard it; Ogba receives it
Needle rejects not rainments voice
So does a toad hearken to stream.
Tuah! I spit and th' ground drys it!

Sunday, August 9, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: ballad
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