Alice & That Wonderman Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Alice & That Wonderman

He was a Sexual God
So much so,
I rose right from the dead 
And I opened real wide 
My brain was like, 'uhm, honey; the path was changed,  
you've no longer died! '
Open up, and get spoon-fed,
Fill that mouth before you exit that deathbed
But I opened it so wide I damaged my esophagus. 
While I mashed up my coffin,
And peeled off my sarcophagus. 
He was that spectacular—like a pharaoh, so fine!  
I realized this 'God' must become mine. 
I also knew we must walk a path together, in due time. 

But I feared the worst:  
—would we cross that line?  
—Would we walk that line?  
—or repeatedly only discuss that line?

With the rise of each flame,  
Would we face the pain?  
If too arduous, would he surrender—quit the game?  
Say: 'screw this riddle! ' 
And me! —Would I fold also? Would I quit just the same?  

I felt so wild, yet puerile, gorgeous, yet terrible. 
I felt insane!  

He drove my cranium right into a puddle,
Which slurped me up, pushed me into an Alice-like riddle.
I heard all the Wonderland Gods, each playing the fiddle. 
The melody was so odd; I felt childlike; I felt little. 
I was convinced he was Death in the flesh, but I needed him, was unable to part. 
I believed I was failing, with all F's on heaven's grading chart. 

And when asked why I did it,  
Why didn't I stop, leave him, just quit it?  

I said:  
'How can I EVER part?  
This man is a GOD 
—The purest work of art.'

© copyright 2019-2024 Alice & That WonderMan

Alice & That Wonderman
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art,love and dreams,relationships,hate,love
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