All But My Pulse (Pt.1 Of The Death Is Beautiful Quartet) Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

All But My Pulse (Pt.1 Of The Death Is Beautiful Quartet)

He said; 'If we die,
We'll wake back up tomorrow! '

It was then that I realized—
Each day was a death
And, each night was a brand-new sorrow.

Every time,
I laid my eyes to rest,
I knew that when I awoke—
There would be nothing left.

Life expectancy, as he and I knew it,
Living, as we saw it,
Was over with now
—Even when I clawed at it!

So, I laid my eyes,
Yes, I decided to sleep
I tried to forget life
As, silently, I did weep

My life no longer
Was a game
Nor—was I content
Nor was I pleased or sane.

My skull was sore
As I lay down my head
And closed my eyes once more,
Believing I was better off dead!

My head, it did throb
My throat had a lump
My face was so swollen
My arms had goosebumps!

I wept, and I pleaded;
'God, why aren't you here? '

It was all I wanted and needed,
I no longer held fear.

'Freeze my soul—
PLEASE fill this hole,
I'll deposit my brain;
If you'll make me, once again, sane! '

These words were my prayer
They were my song
They were my battle
My right versus wrong!

I had given up—
I did surrender
Because I just was never—
A very good pretender!

The one who says;
'It'll be just fine! '

I vomited clichés'
I spat on such lines.

I was senseless and foolish
Horrific and demented
I still ignored the rules—
Humanity invented!

Then I sighed a sigh,
of the most content relief.
I no longer had to worry
I no longer held this grief.

Because I gave in;
I was ready to go.
I finished this movie.
I'd completed the show.

So, my hands extended.
My feet, they did walk.
As I left it all then,
I could barely talk.

And the joy it took over,
As I departed.
Peace, I did feel—
As the ending, it started.

© copyright 2008-2024 All but My Pulse (Pt.1 of the Death is Beautiful Quartet)

All But My Pulse (Pt.1 Of The Death Is Beautiful Quartet)
Friday, August 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death,suicide,sadness,grief,darkness,despair
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