Alone Is My Fear Poem by Allysyn Bryant

Alone Is My Fear

I'm cold and shaking
I'm frighten and crying
but no one sees... my blood
Running cold in me
In fear.
In stress.
In worry.
No longer knowing what's best.

On the outside they see smiles and laughes
A happy Teen with a job she loves
With a guy who makes her happy
With a family that's got her back
With friends always around
What more could she ask for?

Yea. I don't know either.
But I'm scared. I hurt. and inside..
I'm still shaking.

Sometimes I feel as if I'm in the dark
The one watching this life I have
Not feeling like anything is real
But constantly feeling the fear

As long as I'm given a reason
To get up in the morning
I'm ok...I can get throught the day
But it's when there's nothing there
No one around
That I'm broken again
When I remember again....

Standing in the door way or in the street
I've always watched them leave
Don't look they say, don't watch them walk away
And I always ask, How can you not?

Never knowing when the last time is last...
Never Knowing if you'll see then again...
Talk to them again...
or if they'll even be in your life again..
Yea, I'm a scaredy-cat.

June 26,2009

Dislocated Heart 28 June 2009

Everyone is a little scared sometimes... alone we think... and we wonder.. and a smile appears when someone is around.. Just remember, not everyone leaves.. some will stick with you till the end. Jc.

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