Ambassadors Of Christ Poem by Denis Martindale

Ambassadors Of Christ

When billions were still grieving Her Majesty had died,
How many have stayed believing in Jesus crucified?
How many lost souls will get saved through scenes upon TV,
Because Her faith has gently paved the walk to Calvary?
She stayed as Christ's Ambassador until the very end,
Evangelistic to the core on that we could depend.
She wore a crown upon this Earth, and yet in Heaven, too,
And Christians will if they deserve, so credit where it's due.

Though most of us aren't rich at all, some know Christ as their King,
Our Saviour is our miracle since Christ is everything!

Denis Martindale. Tuesday, the 20th of September 2022.

Gospel poem about the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.

Sunday, November 6, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: royalty
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