American Soldier Poem Poem by Tom Zart

American Soldier Poem

Rating: 2.9

It’s not a priest that gives us our freedom of religion
And it’s not a reporter that gives us our freedom of voice.
It’s not any judge, lawyer, politician, or teacher
But the blood of a soldier that has sacrificed by choice.

Our soldiers line up to be remembered
As the best of the best at their job.
They wish to be needed and depended on
To save all we love from the mob.

They risk their life and limb for liberty
Standing firm against evil unwilling to break.
To be part of something greater than themselves
They are willing to sacrifice whatever it will take.

AB Faniki 19 August 2019

Yap the price of freedom has always been blood and that of peace is word. Ur words are uplifting.

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Tom Zart 27 December 2016

Help keep America free from demise Like so many times in history before. How many families have wept at Christmas As there sweethearts marched off to war? God is the source of every blessing As Washington believed as he would pray. Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas And all that we treasure night and day. Love, faith, trust and morality Save victims from future misdeed. After we suffer the outcomes of wrong By prayer we’re forgiven and freed. Our forefathers placed their trust in God To deliver us as a Godly nation. At Christmas we express our thanks for life, Jesus, freedom, country and creation. Every man, woman, child or creature We’re placed here by the miracle of birth. It’s up to us to fulfill God’s purpose For by commitment we reveal our worth. Tom’s 1,350 Poems Are Free To Share! By God's Poet Tom Zart Most Published Poet On The Web! Google = Tom Zart Poemhunter All my poems are there.

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Savita Tyagi 05 January 2016

Wonderful tribute to soldiers. It's a pleasure to read your opens.

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