An Angel's Voice Poem by Cory Davison

An Angel's Voice

I miss your angelic enchanting sweet sounding voice. It gave me chills and cause nervousness in my spirit which I just loved. It brought a smile to my face. Thinking about your voice makes me think back to those days of wonderful conversations. I remember you called me & wished me a happy birthday, and
You were the first person to call me and say it. I miss that, but most of all I miss you. I miss looking into your eyes. I miss the smell of your perfume. I miss your caressing touch. I miss the taste of your sweet sexy kiss in my lips mmm. I un doubly and most defiantly miss your angel of a voice. It was just lovely passing through my
eyes on the phone and, in person and when you told me a secret and gently and softly whispered in my ear. Wow I almost lost it in a great magically way it's so hard to describe. It meant the world to me just when you called me and when you said my name. I love the way it sounds coming from you mouth. Oh my goodness
I am jonesing bad. I know it, but I can't help it. I just have all these questions in my head that won't go away like will I ever…. talk to you again? Will I ever touch you again and hold you in a tight embrace once again? Look into those eyes that every time I look in them I get lost in them because there so… just so you?
I thought… I just thought I was over you that I got over the fact that you are not mine anymore, but apparently I'm not. I still dream about you. About our first night out and what a night that I never wanted to end. To see you, and hear your voice. To see your wonderful, beautiful, graceful face. Your smile… that smile is
No words can express how gorgeous it looks. I felt like you just put me in a spell and bewitched me, and your voice sweetie…. I was just hooked. You had me baby. You so had me, and you knew it, because women always know when they got a guy hooked and you did. This though unfortunately is the past, and you have
Someone now. At the time when me and you were talking, meeting, and enjoying each others company. There was someone else. The man that a part of you missed, but you didn't tell me about. While I was thinking everything was ok, and this going to be a long term thing you wasn't sure about us. He was always in the
back of you brain, and a part of your heart that I couldn't reach, because you two have history all we have is right now. I didn't know until after me and you didn't work
Out. You chose him so I guess if that makes you happy then I should happy for you right? I should also accept the fact that people all the time say that you guys make the perfect couple and that you guys look sooo cute together? I'm just support to just accept that right? NO YOU SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN ME. WHY……..
Why wasn't it me? Why didn't you choose me sweetheart? I cared for you. I respected you. You were the queen of my heart. You came into my life when my heart was just so cold and I had no idea what love felt like, and you came in and made me feel so so much. It's been years since I saw you, but there still is a hole in
Heart where you left it. I mean… what did I do wrong to you? All I did was fall…. fall hard so hard for you. Now I am alone in the corner of my room writing a letter I know you won't even see. You don't call. You don't email me. You deleted me from all of you internet pages. You don't what anything to do with me now.
Hmm…whew its ok believe it or not I'm a lot better now than I was back then. I've grown up now, and I'm a better person, there were some dark times angry times, but I got through them. Even though, you broke my heart sweetie I don't think of our time as being bad or the worse break-up ever. no I think about the great
Amazing nights we had together. The late night on the phone till the sun came up. It was very memorable to me, and I do really sincerely at the end of the day hope you are happy, because then I can think about you smiling because your happy. You brought so much light laughter and love in my life, and I hope that you are feeling
The same way right now as I am writing this. I will hold you in my heart, and in my head the pictures of you. The memories of you. I still feel that to this day that your voice is of an angel that came down to bless my life for a great period of time.

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Cory Davison

Cory Davison

Knoxville, Tennessee
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