An Answer For All… Poem by Luke Hobbs

An Answer For All…

Take leave of this
Veneer of contented containment
Go tell your thoughts
Delineate the shades of
Dusk and the dark
Beneath the ashes sleep
Never renews this life
Little lived over and
Out like a wick
Talk takes the teacher
Like a bishop
To a castled king
Every dog has his
Day to be dinner
This cat brings change
In pockets and spades
To end topside under
Save for the hoarders
Would never come clean
Taken on winged whimsy
Spirited by Whippoorwill whispers
The embodied evanescent manifest
Who will we be
If not our past?

My veto to open
Wounds which speak softly
Ask water for warmth
And be blue brother
This synergistic system swims
The sun's waves unaware
Our staple star unsurpassed
Suits in summer sweat
Cares with shares shift
Snow smarts the smile
Forget the global goal
In green smoke screen
Flower followers find bipeds
Take form like frogs
Business positions the tenured
The problem of power
Byproduct of professional profit
Please contact pink pig
For your pension pending
Glycerin unit vesting schedule
Fabricated and economy dressed
To eat your supper
Triangulate solution in vibrations
Sew me sound anew
Blessed songs self orient
Find joy in organization
By collaborative competition clout
Comes together they think
Through this conveyance compute
Corporate costs of copy
The tiny minds till
Their tares of cracked
Cash creates crossed functions
Yeomen wish for work
The biggest as best
Cycle while you winter
Here until your dreams
Tell you how to
Find rest in conflux
Cubed days make mockery
Of our false freedom
The office of night
Abate anathema gluttonous worm
Is light like knowledge?

Copulate nothing she says
Keep a bed about
See the ritual repeated
Growing gives the go
For rockets to assail
The reign of secret silence
Push past these principalities
A planetary pull Possessing
The answer for all
Beggaring questions more able
As balloons held aloof
With room for rain
Safety beneath a roof
Bowing before promise paramount

Effective farm proves strong
Success of facilitated facts
Emerge under stressed weight
Fattened feeding for slaughter
Feet to the file
Starting storms as statements
Control as a conclusion
Garden once left unattained
Renewed in fruitful temperance
For he who listens
The faithful leap brings
Kindness within our ken
Honor is held high
Has He hidden her?
The bride is here
Present a princess pursuant
Of the quiet queen
Gentleness is character acquired
The temple is haunted
Know love is sustenance
When allowed to lead

Our pedantic inked pages
Merely pulp shaved from
The tree of life
Forever bleeding never dying
Vision a capital underutilized
Desire from utility estranged
Our careers we cache
Castles sunder upon sand
Mirror mother for more
Multiple task days worked
Leave tethered like machines
Meet our mission monkey
What men live by?
Naught but management majic
Is your identity ideal?
Do chosen paradigms give
Impetus to peaceable partners?
That which I integrate
Interacts within kinetic cohesion
Remembrance of death undone
What so ever extols
Meditate there in solely
The will imagination's rudder
Our every choice sculpting
Bastion or the bestial
Learning determines the potential
Yet charts no course

Le fin absolue du monde
Or threat thereof
And nothing less
Brings context to the climb

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: choice,course,death,imagination,learning,meditation,remembrance
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