An Endless, Sleepless Night Poem by John Yaws

An Endless, Sleepless Night

Rating: 5.0

The hours seem like decades-
Between midnight and dawn-
I check the clock the hundredth time,
And find only minutes gone.

Daylight hours are not so bad-
There's much to keep me sane-
But with the setting of the sun-
I'm wracked by mental pain.

A life I've wrecked by choices-
Decisions which I rue-
Which brought about disaster-
And the worst was losing you.

Do I blame you? Don't be foolish!
There is none but me to blame.
Even if you did forgive me
Things could never be the same.

I took your heart so tender-
And my actions, that heart crushed-
But the thing that hurt the most, dear
Was the fact I killed your trust.

For trust is of the essence-
If a marriage would succeed.
Too late for me, but youngster-
If you're wise you will take heed.

If you find and win a damsel-
Love her, treat her right!
May you never know the sorrow
Of an endless sleepless night.

An Endless, Sleepless Night
Monday, December 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayal
Varsha M 21 December 2020

Sir you have spoken very true..if you find the damsel respect and live with her... beautiful words beautiful poetry.

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John Yaws

John Yaws

Gonzales Co., Texas, USA
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