John Yaws

John Yaws Poems

We built on a solid foundation of lies-
And then it all crumbled, much to our surprise.
I know that I loved you, no doubt you loved me-
But the dreams we were building just never could be.

I guess the most effective-
Of writers, great are small.
Is the one who is objective..
Like a "fly upon the wall".

When the rose of romance withers,
And the heart is sere and dry-
And you gaze upon the wreckage-
Of your life and wonder why…

I find as I grow older-
I often contemplate-
My foolish past decisions,
My days of tempting fate.

I thought I wanted to Fortune-
Then I thought I wanted fame,
For everyone to know me-
My accomplishments proclaim.

It is the time of year, I guess-
When folks start thinking back.
Evaluating lives they've lived,
A way of keeping track.

As I walked in the door of my motel-
The first thing I heard was the phone,
The next was the voice of my mother-
She told me, 'Your daddy is gone.

Looking at the raindrops,
On my windshield as I drive...
I wonder where I'm going,
What awaits when I arrive?

The hours seem like decades-
Between midnight and dawn-
I check the clock the hundredth time,
And find only minutes gone.

Emotions are a burden, a detriment, I find.
That tend to cloud our judgment and occupy our mind.
Relying on his feelings, will drive a man insane.
Despite his good intentions, his efforts are in vain.

No regrets? I only wish!
I have a few, I guess.
Choices that I've made and rued-
While partaking of life's quest.

Lonely is another word, for being on your own-
Even in a crowded room, I find myself alone.
Things in common, are not found- with anyone I meet.
I'm in a world, all my own, as I go down the street.

The mossy Northwest forests-
The sun-baked Southwest plain…
The tropic island beaches,
I'd see them all again.

I've tied up all those loose ends,
My bridges I have burned.
I've even kept a record,
Of lessons I have learned.

The ego is a wilderness-
I've no doubt this is true.
And often through the forest scrub…
I catch a glimpse of you.

I sit and ponder, all alone-
Of times and friends long past.
I wonder where the years have gone?
Why only memories last?

I've heard tales of perfect romance,
Of love that's pure and free.
Of gently burning passions-
Which bring such ecstasy...

Like Cassandra with her visions-
That no man seemed to heed-
The poets sees with different eyes
The things that people need.

There is magic in the forest-
In the sparkle of the dew
And in the eyes of maidens-
So innocent and blue.

The truth, the dreadful truth, you see-
Is what we tell ourselves-
Destroying all our vanity-
To place it on a shelf.

John Yaws Biography

An old man from Texas who writes about life, as it is, as it should be, and as it rarely is. a prolific reader and teller of tales. Poetry, and the writing thereof is one of my greatest pleasures.)

The Best Poem Of John Yaws

A Solid Foundation Of Lies

We built on a solid foundation of lies-
And then it all crumbled, much to our surprise.
I know that I loved you, no doubt you loved me-
But the dreams we were building just never could be.

Like moths to a flame we were drawn by desire-
Like Icaurus' wings we were doomed by the fire.
Regretting the day which first greeted our birth-
In shock and dismay we came crashing to earth.

Our love like the gossamer clouds in the sky-
Brought us such joy, then it caused us to cry...
We stared at the ashes with tears in our eyes...
Doomed by a solid foundation of lies.

John Yaws Comments

John Yaws Quotes

'Dying ain't much of a! iving, boy.'

Them that can, do. Them that can't write about it,

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