And Sleep Won'T Come Poem by The Poet Darkling

And Sleep Won'T Come

My arms ache for you and sleep won't come. The ticking of the clock pounds the passing of time into my head in tandem with my broken heart- thump, thump, THUMP! My inner demons are working overtime tonight, as if Lucifer was offering a bonus to the hardest working of the lot …

What is it I am waiting for again? Oh yeah, I remember…I'm waiting for you, my loven. I'm waiting for you to bring me my piece of the pie. For two years I have waited diligently, although not patiently, while the scaredyflies have worked their evil on my soul.

So many times I have wanted to let go, just give up and throw in the towel, yet I persist. I haven't a clue where I garnered the strength or the will to be, but I am here and hope still flickers with an almost imperceptible light in the darkness that is my prison.

Doubt wreaks havoc on my sanity and refuses to let me be. I am my own worst enemy, I know this, and yet I can't seem to accept it. Tortured by questions without any answers, I close my eyes and try again … but my arms ache for you and sleep won't come …

Tick … tick … tick … that damn clock! I fumble for it in the darkness and smash it on the floor as if in doing so I could stop time altogether. Silence.

A sliver of moonlight shines through a crack in the blinds, sending a thin ray onto the empty pillow where your head should be. My arms ache for you …

Why aren't you here? Why do I wait? Is this love I feel or am I just in love with the thought of love? How do I know the difference when I have nothing to compare it to? They say a crazy man never questions his own sanity, so I must be sane, right? Right? ? ?

I should just stop it! None of this makes sense! How can I love a man I've never met? I close my eyes but sleep won't come...

Inspired by a two and a half year long long-distance relationship with a man I have yet to meet in person...
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