Angels Amongst Us Poem by Jona PoloRamirez

Angels Amongst Us

Rating: 5.0

Only I know who and what I am. J. Polo-Ramirez

There are angels amongst us, but
Devils surrounding them as well,
The small good things that we all have
An angel a manifest of our good will.

The look in our eyes - a message is there,
A face, cherubim that shines in our darkest night;
A reminder of our inner thoughts, the trademark
Of our whole being, an angel's face of life.

These angels amongst us watching over and behind,
A touch of life beneath their wings, a reminder of what's
Good in us, the heavy load our shoulders bear
It's weight is something we have place there.

The only place for us to throw away
These heavy loads that are in our hearts,
Look for that angel who is amongst us,
Within our reach just touch your own heart.

From my work desk:
VPCI, Toronto

Shelley L Baxter-stanley 26 February 2008

This is just a Great poem Jona...with a Wonderful message that I wish we all would listen deep witih us to find...our inside of ourself. Original way of conveying a message we all should already know and that is that there is Angels amongst us watching over us and leading us and that is why we need to listen to the whispers in our hearts. Ten/Ten. Thank you so much for this one, SHelley

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