Another Day Another Cut Poem by Cassandra Hooper

Another Day Another Cut

A little peice of Heaven
And a bigger peice of Hell
Another cut along my skin
Because you had to yell
You said you wouldn't yell at me
You said that you'd stay calm
But instead you spill your anger on me
Dropping words like bombs
Sorry that I angered you
With things I didnt do
Sorry that I love him more
Than I could ever care about you
But maybe if you weren't so cruel
And didn't always scream
Maybe if I woke up from this Hell
And it was just a bad dream
So go ahead
And throw me away
But you do this
Every other day
You say you love me
And you say you care
But you keep her on call
As a tactic to scare
Or will she do it
Will she end my life
Maybe this is why I disagreed
When you said I'd be your wife

Kayla Daley 06 May 2011

Girl i feel the devastating heart ache in every one of your poems my heart has been there i have never been cheated on but i know how it feels to be lied to promosed to and then poof everything is gone I have thought about cutting killing myself but i know this is the wrong thing to do i do not think a person should ever have that much power over me so i do not let them i have learned to detach from situations that i cannot handle i believe God helped me do this and I do not know if you believe in God or Jesus but i promose you i feel Him I will pray that God heals your pain as he has done mine your sunny day is coming maybe not today tomorrow or the next but it is I just hope you find peace in yourself Love your friend K

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Cassandra Hooper

Cassandra Hooper

Titusville, Florida
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