Apirl Fools Poem by natasha headstrong

natasha headstrong

natasha headstrong

in deepest dispare, in the coldest regions of the heart

Apirl Fools

Rating: 1.3

I took advantage
I rendered useless
my past deeds

I was cruel and callous
with someone elses heart
someone I miss
who I thought I could never part

I thought I could love
and that would be okay
I fought and fought and fought and tried
untill yesterday

and I took a hard look
at my foolish stupid self
alone, and with no one,
declining mental health

and I truly dont know what to do
with emotions trapped inside
I can not reach out
to love that has now died

but in my heart
the torch burns strong
carried forever
in poems musing song

what can I do
what can I say
what do I have left
for me each day

why was I so hard
why couldnt I just see
a one sided love
is no place to be

and just accept friendship
thats now all but gone
defeated by me
for a love that wasnt won

can you really go back
after you burn the bridge at last
with all that you felt
still smoldering from the past

can you look them in the eye
and not feel a single thing
of hearts stiring emotions
of love you wanted to bring

so april fools natasha
you got nothing but yourself
you can put your heart alone
withered on a shelf...

natasha headstrong

natasha headstrong

in deepest dispare, in the coldest regions of the heart
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