Artist's Private Island By Gio Masserati Poem by Gio Masserati

Artist's Private Island By Gio Masserati

If I was a RockStar, Songwriter or Celebrity
I would fake my own death
go on a shopping spree
and move to Artist's Island
kickin it with my other
gone too soon
supposedly dead artist friends
waiting every month
for my royalties
that automatically deposit
piling into my magically delicious
bank accounts

Why is it that way?
always a legend in his day
pay the piper now...before she's gone
while he's alive and no harm done
but they just barely survive
until they are dead
that's when the money starts rollin' in
MJ...P...WH...Elvis Presley
alot of the greats
gone before their days were up
If them, I'd still be rockin my roll
and wrapping my rolls of coins
singing sweet music in my abode
the Artist's Private Island
without the Paparatzi
with all my privacy
a different kind of seclusion
on my terms
a breath of fresh air
from a chaotic world we bear
I'd still be writing my songs
of Rock and Roll
with my secretly alive Soul

every genre and style would be available
no judgements or 'likes'
always in living color
playing requests
live concerts every day and night
at the local beach watering hole
I would live surrounded by love
in the islands music and dance
I would tread there alone
unless perchance someone
would go with me there

If I were a Celebrity, Songwriter, or a RockStar
you could count on my being here
on Artist's Private Island

Welcome to Fantasy Island
Welcome to my Island
of the walking 'dead' artists
that never really died
not yet, anyway

Now let's make some unforgettable music together

Artist's Private Island   By Gio Masserati
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: guitar,hiding,islands,legends,love and art,lyrics,music,singing,songs of life,tears
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