As Cold As My Deep Breath Poem by chelsi Ruffing

As Cold As My Deep Breath

Things seem to be all in tangles
Everything is starting to mangle
My thoughts are never seem to end
Is my heart ever going to mend?
As cold as my deep breath
I wonder how it feels so much like death
Not able to walk a straight line
All my feelings enter twine
The pounding in my head
Everything bit of faith seems to just go dead
I have this big whole in my center of my chest
There never anytime in a day or night to rest
Walking with my head hung low
Each day seems to go so slow
I keep losing the path I am to follow
Everything that was clear at one time seems so hollow
Standing there so scared to move out of place
Trying to take things at the steady est pace
A new start its just to late
Love and emotion turn to meaning ful hate
Left heart broken and ever so lost in what to say
Trying hard to stay strong through everyday
A person can one withhold so much thats wrong
Until the person is longer able to stay strong
To inbrace something that you fear
There is going to be nothing not even a tear
Everything goes ever so numb
This doesn't always happen to all just some

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