As The Star Falls Poem by Myrtle Thomas

As The Star Falls

Rating: 2.7

As The Star Falls

Like the tail of a comet
seen but for an instant and burns out.
Our life is likewise a shooting star
alive and healthy then, that power within
leaves without smoke.
A smile of love or laughter rolls and bubbles.
Silenced and frozen unconnected and cut off
from the body.
Alive in memories each sparkle in the eye,
every laughter wrinkle and each note in the voice silenced.

We are like the seasons that bloom and change in colorful ways.
than rest and sleep to take us to a dormant state.
And yet most marvel not that death is a time to rest
from this wicked world.
A place provided for safe keeping until the earth
can be once again a fertile garden to grow love and bounty.
When that time comes to awaken, there will be no memory of sickness,
death no hatred nor need for violence.
A restored earth with no memory of the past.
For Jehovah God himself will renew us and wipe away all tears.

Rev.21; 4,5 ' {God } will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more,
neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.The former things
have passed away; And the One seated on the throne said; 'Look! I am making
all things new.' Also, he says; ' write, because these words are faithful and true.''

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
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