Aylan's Cry Poem by Kc Cabauatan

Aylan's Cry

don’t leave me!
mama, baba, hold me for I am scared
with the rising water-walls
and the cold dark sky sometimes lit
by a sudden bright twisted light,
and the loud noisy boom that follows it.

you promised me;
mama and baba,
you’ve told me that we’re goin’ on a boat ride
to a new land and see once again the bright blue sky,
away from the bad men whose shinies
that turns red when they swing them
at any little boys and girls, and mamas and babas.
you told me that where we go, flowers bloom and grow
and children like me can once again run and play.

at first i laughed and squealed,
everytime the small boat went up and down.
at first i saw you smiled and then wondered why you suddenly frowned.
then i saw in the distance
the white cotton clouds turning grey, and the water-walls around us rising
and i felt the cold slaps of the roaring wind, and you dear mama,
your smiles turned to cries, while you held me tighter.
like this is our last goodbye.

hold me and don’t let go;
comfort me, mama and baba,
tell me that the new land is near,
hold me tight and kiss me, for they take away my fear.
why is the sea angry baba, is it because we went away?
why is the world angry baba, when all i wanted is to play.
soothe me mama, sing to me once more.

crack! we hit something, and then you were gone
i went under, and see nothing but black,
when i rose again, i see no one, but i have heard your cry
where are you, mama and baba, i don’t know how to swim.
i can not reach the bottom, and the walls come crashing in.
i am slowly falling, i’m tired of getting back.

i am slowly losing air, mama and baba
but you were nowhere near.
i can still hear you faintly in the distance,
and i really wish that you were here.
somewhere deep within me, something felt like it’s leaving
maybe it’s the little big boy inside me, maybe, i don’t know.
yet all i hear right now, is him saying, don’t forget me.

don’t forget me mama, for now, i’m going home…

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: spoken word
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