Back In The Mist Poem by Justin Reamer

Back In The Mist

On a dreary day such as this,
When the fog surrounds the Earth,
I go out into it,
As the rain has stopped.
The rain had been falling an hour before,
Patting against the ground,
Wiping the dirty ground of grime,
And cleansing it of its impurity.
It had been raining very hard,
And the water fell from the sky,
And then it stopped suddenly,
And that's when my step came out.

The world in front of me was foggy,
As I stepped outside of my garage,
I could only see a few inches in front of me,
And my surroundings were unclear.
But as I stepped into the mist,
The world changed drastically,
It had been an alternate dimension,
The world of my past.
As I looked around me,
I had gone back in time,
Though the world was still unclear,
For the fog surrounded me.
I did not understand this place,
Even though I was still on Earth,
The fog surrounded me,
Like a horror movie set,
And the sky was a murky grey,
As if it was going to rain again.

The things I saw made no sense,
For they were all vague,
But I could make out shapes,
For they were all part of my past.
The foggy world, I realised,
Was like an art gallery,
And these were the barracks of my mind,
And on each wall were videos
Of my entire life itself.

There were different videos,
That I could not remember,
That showed up within the clouds,
Such as my birth and my infant life,
Which I could not remember.
There were memories when I was three,
With Tot Time, Amy, Doug and Shar,
And things like Vacation Bible School,
And there were the four-year-old ones,
With Aunt Betty, the family,
Disney World, and everything else.
But then there were elementary years,
The good and, sadly, the bad,
But whatever this world was,
I knew not but its intent, I knew,
Was trying to torture me.
The world showed every bad highlight
Which I had tried to forget.
It showed kindergarten,
When I got spanked every night,
My father losing his temper constantly,
Exclusion in the first grade,
Steven Hayward,
Constant solitude,
Bullying in middle school,
And great despair.
These were the memories I suppressed,
For the past few years,
And now there was a daemon,
Who was tormenting me,
Trying to make me go insane.

The a voice spoke and said
'So you are James,
The one saved from the Abyss,
And now you live in happiness,
With your great success.
But you forget who you are,
The son of a sociopath,
For you were never meant to be happy,
And you were meant to experience pain.'

I said to him:
'Come out, daemon!
Show yourself!
You cannot be a coward,
You are just another fool,
Trying to tear me apart,
And you shall not succeed.'

Then the daemon came out,
And he had a horrid grin,
And he said to me,
'I am no coward,
But I will bring you down,
No matter what I do.'

I said to him,
'You will not bring me down,
For God's love prevails,
And I have happiness,
And you cannot touch me.'

The daemon smiled and said,
'We will see about that, you fool,
You know you cannot live,
I will reach out for you and
Destroy you bit by bit.'

I urged him on,
And he did just that,
But then the Hand of God,
Went down by him,
And the daemon was destroyed.
The fog cleared up around me,
And I was back on Earth again,
The Light had saved me yet again,
And for that I was thankful.
I thanked God for ridding me
Of the daemon,
And I thanked Him for His help,
When He watched over me yet again.

Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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