Beautiful You Are Poem by Lulama Matshamba

Beautiful You Are

I touched my belly surprised of what i had been blessed with
You were my joy and my fear and beauty in every way possible
In the middle of the night I lay awake praying for your forgiveness
As I knew that your timing was a shock to me and you

Beautiful you are as i remember smiling alone for i vowed that no one would know about us as i could feel you turning in me and keep me awake in every meaning of the word for you were my world that wasn't known or heard of.. I would prayer that you beautiful little soul loved me for me decision cause the was no way i could keep you near me...

People see me as shallow for they don't know the pain I'm living with since I let you go
Guilt kills me everyday before i go to bed and prayer that your blessed little soul be with me as i walk with my heart on my feet and my face burdened with sadness that cannot be removed but for me i would feel incomplete without it as it is you left in me
Beautiful you are as you are better than me and nothing would ever change that as to me you are not just a memory but nine months of patience and hours of labour and two seconds of what i thought was love but you are still beautiful to me in evary aspect of what my world is... Love you always

Jurietta Duraan 06 May 2008

A beautiful, honest tribute... heart renching... this what poetry is about.

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