Beauty (From A Man To A Woman) Poem by Jessie Mahoney Bathis

Beauty (From A Man To A Woman)

Once told
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
But what does that even mean?
I see you now
And you have never looked more beautiful
Just sitting
Looking ever so peaceful
The sun in your eyes
Lighting up your face
Brightening up my day
Beautiful is what you are
In each and every way
I could never ask for more
Than what I hold now
You in my arms
Day after day
I am your jester
Your shoulder when you cry
I am your answer
When you need to know why
I am your hand
As you hold me down the road
Which ever one it is that you take
I shall follow you
Be your companion along your way
There when you need me
Still there when you think you don't
In your time of need
Leave you, I won't
Will not and never will
If we were to drift now
Time itself would stand still
Still for us to meet each other half way
In desperation of one another
To touch, to hold, to kiss again
To gaze at you at least once more
You have become my life, my partner, the other half of me
All that I love, worship, hold close to my heart
It's you that I cherish and adore
My one true love
Another in the world like myself
So alike you get me
So different that you fascinate me
You never cease to amaze me
Without you
How different it would be
A world without someone to challenge my thoughts
Someone to please
Just the thought of losing you
Brings me to my knees
Just thought
Making my heart ache
For you are a blessing
Above the greed and dishonesty
You are selfless
Bursting with sincerity
Like you
There is no other
Can not
And never will be.

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