Behind These Tears Poem by jessica teeple

Behind These Tears

Rating: 5.0

Behind these tears,
are words left unspoken,
words that cannot be spoken,
for fear of reprocussons.

Behind these tears,
is the fear that no one sees,
the fear that no one wants,
the fear that no one cares.

Behind these tears,
theres a battle inside my head
one that cannot be seen,
one that cannot be told.

Behind these tears,
are thoughts that scare me,
thoughts i do not want,
thoughts that should not be there.

Behind these tears,
is a strong,
and very intelligent

Behind these tears,
is a voice no one hears,
one that is siliently
screaming out begging for help.

Behind these tears
is someone that is lost
lost in this darkness
searching for the light.

Behind these tears
im searching
searching to find myself
find the girl i use to be.

Behind these tears
are thoughts more or less utrue
but the voices in my head
make me believe otherwise.

No matter how strong you are
behind each tear you shed at night
tells a total different story
one you may not want to hear.

The more you hide it
the worse it gets
because it feels like
it has won.

ignore the voices
pretend they dont exist.
Easy to say,
hard to do.

one thing i know for sure
is life in this darkness
is lonely and scarry
its tough to understand.

Dont let it win
be strong
be true to yourself
tell someone your thoughts.

this seems easy,
when your telling someone else
but when its you being told,
it just doesnt seem possible

Dave Walker 19 March 2012

A great poem, like it. A great write. May i invite you to read my new poem called, Devil And The Beast.

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