Behold Tandi..... Poem by Merlin Mwaura

Behold Tandi.....

delicate delicacy
profound and pure
pleasure to mine eyes.
How it has come?
how she was assembled.
A mystery upon which to ponder,
has found from me,
Many a numerous foly
at the guess of her origin.

She is here though,
plain to pleasant delight,
an' am singing LO! LO! LO!
Ideal to flattering remarks.
Untamed, free and boundless
gracefully adhering to the appeal
of mine eyes.

Pampered, peppered an' pot
sensuous seduction,
oozing from an aura she has tranced.
She trots upon the earth,
glass and mirrors retaining jealously of her image.
Covetfully an' carefully decisive
of other an' often new pursuers.

With bruises on my visage,
my image rather,
my heart for more precision.
I am come from a war with unnatural things,
come here from her ways,
swayed by her swagger,
sassy and saucy gaze.
Found me upon her gaze
and vegence reeled in the air.

And up from a bold thrust,
inspired or conspired within me,
I crashed from my adversaries,
to be what!
Slave to this entity
that bears so envious a trait,
to have, to hold haste upon no wait,
regardless of my usual query before things.

I intend on a journey,
to far myself away
from this bewitching essence
not of ungoverned forces,
but to set assander
the vile and vain thoughts
that have been my company since
upon the sight of mine eyes.
My plan to rid myself of this 'parading'
into the vicinity of my conscience's dormain
to restore a once proud and potent coco.

This magnificence however,
has brought a great deal trouble,
now that i gladden with the play of words.
Her vivacious volumptuous volume
perching on the beats of tremerous,
trecherous, tendering hearts
of a great vast number
of one fortunate,
an' many one(s) unfortunate.

Behold! The Tormentor,
The talented,
The tendered,


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