Behold The Fall Of Anglo-American Power! Poem by alexander opicho

Behold The Fall Of Anglo-American Power!

in my sleep, in the wee of yester-night
The dreams and visions came to me,
From the gods of my land, all the gods,
gods in command of prophecy and vision,
All came to me in a spiritual swarm
They then addressed in dint and power of heaven,
The chief god talked to me, by addressing my name,
In fact my native name, that listen you Opicho son of Simbuku,
Son of Khayongo, son of kimalen the son of kimudwa;
behold America is falling into smithereens,
It will fall and become insignificant like a tomb,
God has refused its evil civilization and filthy,
For it is openly perpetrating perverted sexuality,
Among divine creation; the humanity,
It wants man to marry man and a woman to marry a woman,
It has shamelessly funded gayism, lesbianism and homosexuality,
It has boldly gone against the law of God,
Its civilization impeaches the family institution,
For man marrying a man gives no children,
And a woman marrying a woman gives no children,
This is absolute anti Godliness, and anti-human,
It has replicated Sodom and Gomorrah of the old days,
That heavily burned with the evil flame in their flesh,
Due to this perverted sexual civilization
It will become a dead salty stone like Lot's wife,
For God is going to give strength to the Islamic state,
God will also empower China and Russia,
God will empower Germany and India,
He is going to remove poverty from Africa,
And make Anglo-American power irrelevant
Britain is receding back to insignificance
Scottish feelings for separation will come back,
In full stamped it will come along with Ireland
To render filthy Britain powerless over mankind,
The time has come for the world to be multi-polar,
In culture, politics and faith; divine diversity,
No single human power will reign the world,
The catholic power is also gone, never to come
This paves way for the supreme deity to come
And reign peacefully over mankind on the earth,
Without rape and terror like that one of Gaza
Committed by Anglo-American faked horn of Israeli.

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