Being Crucified With Christ Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Being Crucified With Christ

Can you hear the moans, the cries, and the wails?
As the hammer strikes the nails,
Can you hear the cursing and being spat upon?
As He dragged the cross and how he probably felt withdrawn.
Maybe not, but try to picture what it is like to be in his pain,
And ask yourself by doing this what do I have to gain.
This is a time in my life that I drop to my knees and cried,
Because I started to know and understand why Jesus was crucified.
I can see this is reality and not is just a fairytale.
I can finally see of how he got treated like he was with Satan in Hell.
As they beat him, He said, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Well in my heart He still says this today, because there are plenty of people that might not know him even you.
So please use your heart to feel and see the things that Christ did in his life for you and me,
And try to see why I want to write this poem and use it as a testimony.
Christ lived a long but short life, but he had a lot of trials and tribulations,
And how He got accused of so many accusations.
Now let's follow the same steps that he took in life so that way he can try to make the same unselfish decisions.
Give our Life for Him as He gave His life for us, the day that we show that we live for him is the day that his tears will turn to happiness because we fulfilled his vision.

By Frank Pulver April 21,2011

Community Worship Center of The Salvation Army, Lakeland, Florida

Please understand as Paul wrote this in the Bible in Galatians 2: 20-I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Please understand as Paul wrote this in the Bible in Galatians 2: 20-I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Leslie Philibert 27 March 2013

This is a very funny satire...

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Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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