Meaning Of The Salvation Army Crest Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Meaning Of The Salvation Army Crest

As we look at our flag. Let's remember what the meaning crest is,
Here we go let's as a Salvationist let's see if we can pass this quiz,

Can we think of what makes up the Crest?
Well let's all try to pass this, so let's do our best.

What is the meaning of the Cross?
The cross of the Lord Jesus Christ as he hung, before they took Him to His final doss.

What is the meaning of the S?
The S stands for the Salvation from sin through Jesus.

What is the meaning of the Ray on the outside of the circle?
The Ray stands for the Fire of the Holy Spirit in one day will lead us to something wonderful.

What is the meaning of the dots?
The dots stand for the Truth of the Gospel; this is something we need to hear because at times we do not care a jot.

What is the meaning of the crossed swords?
The Cross swords stand for the Salvation War, and it is something we need to protect our gourds.

What is the meaning of the red for the blood and the yellow for the fire?
The Blood stands for the Blood Jesus Shed, and the Fire stands for the Fire of the Holy Spirit because this was Williams Booth's desire.

Well I hope we all either recall the S. A.‘s history or learned something from reading this today,
Because this will get us back to our old beliefs and our past and let us understand of what they are trying to say.

Poems for the National Salvation Week


by Frank Pulver

May 12,2011
Dominic Wabule 03 April 2020

May God Protect Our S.A Church And Leaders

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Eventy Malambo 26 March 2019

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Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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