Beleaguered Battles Poem by John Sensele

Beleaguered Battles

Political space, political face
More than a perceived surface and the trace
For which protagonists and antagonists fight
Aggrandizing or downsizing the right
To express and espouse views
That unnerve cunning crews
Whose survival lies in playing games
Voters loathe since truth spinners float claims
Politicians inject into the public domain
Intending jest and juggling in the main
In view of the low esteem
In which they hold voters' dream and steam
Spinning one lie after another
Making no difference one way or the other
Because polytricks by nature
Implies rapture, trickery and fracture
The electorate seldom sees
Until her green card flees
To empower a new bunch of message makers
Who once in power revolves into a strain of tip takers
Hardly caring for the vulnerable voter
To whom they told a lie in less than a quarter
Ago cheating her right, left and centre
As long as her vote they catch or snatch to enter or re-enter
Corridors of power to swap promises for diss
At worst or at best a Judas kiss
Leaving the voter to wonder if there's any point
In putting a high premium on a jest joint
Where political players joust for votes
Amassed and harassed in a plethora of Biblical quotes
They recite at the eleventh hour
Promising the moon, cash and a fake flower
To hoodwink famished families
Whose worst mistake lies in heeding reharshed homilies
Patrician politicians deliver
Promising on voters' card to load a lining made up of silver.

John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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