To those who have believed in Christ,
Confirm that trust somehow,
With holy faith to be baptised,
For such God would allow...
The act of witness sets apart,
It serves to end all doubt,
In fact, it often warms the heart
And that's what love's about...
Submission is the act called for,
The cleansing of the soul,
The chance to serve God more and more,
With Jesus in control...
A dedicated servant stands
Above all else in sight,
As one who seeks the Master's plans
And strives to make things right...
No nagging thoughts can come to call
Once baptised in Christ's Name,
These only haunt the ones who stall,
As if to taunt with blame...
But each decides the time and place,
Once true love has been stirred,
The Gospel teachings to embrace,
Rejoicing in God's Word...
What higher than the Father's will
Revealed to each who prays?
The Holy Spirit blesses still
The pilgrim who obeys...
A royal robe of righteousness,
A shield of faith to hold
And lives on Earth meant to express
The greatest story ever told!
Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.
The Revelation TV website
and watch now details
can be found on Google.
Seek and ye shall find...
(Today would be a good idea...)
believeandbebaptised dot-co-dot-uk
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem