Beyond The Flesh Is Where True Dreams Are Finally Revealed Poem by James Darwin Smith II

Beyond The Flesh Is Where True Dreams Are Finally Revealed

When trust and understanding elope
Such a beautiful thing it becomes
Unconditional love from beyond
The pages open for more to be written ahead
Sharing feelings no matter where they may be
Freeing hearts that were stuck in a world of so called reality
Living lives not for the lap of luxury
But the heart and soul of dreams yet to come

And the struggles are there
So love can be tested even more
No money, No gimmick can purchase truth
If one think so, may they slap themselves silly and ask for more

Pity is a false prophet of self-serendipity
Chanting songs of silver tongued fables
Like druids not knowing their true trade
Becoming slaves to the world’s great confusion
After all, everyone loves, loathes a good illusion

Karma does exist to those who never anticipate it
Without living life for the good of one’s inner self
Playing trivial pursuit with answers trying to question the questions themselves
In other words screaming for joy towards the journey of self-righteousness
Cleansing that for which has already been cleaned

When all is said and evolved
Into a butterfly of a soul’s everlasting journey

What is the importance of money then?
Resources, what do they amount to at the end?

A soul ends up punishing
Those who took everything for granted
While living all outward ignoring inward
Shallow waters evaporating quickly within

Humankind will only truly evolve the day,
The day when everyone realizes flesh has its own limitations
The soul, now that is the true evolution of a greater beyond

Ugliness is truly in the eyes of the beholder
But how everyone would be seen if we all were just souls
In the afterlife, who found their way home for good?
Tell me, how important will flesh be then?

The most overrated thing in all of mankind’s history
Many say they dislike it, But why do they worship it like if it’s a godlike entity?
If you have the answer, Please do tell me, or not, Never mind

In the end, the flesh will be gone, and the soul shall be finally set free
What will be beautiful then? I guess in our natural ways of living,
We just have to wait and seize
Seeing what comes next the future history of who we all are

I always loved a great mystery!

In the end,
When trust and understanding elope
What a beautiful eternal thing it must be, to truly behold
Even going beyond what wildest dreams were meant to see

What is wrong with believing in what one truly believes?

Life gets better for one when their ego gets thrown away
Even I must come face to face with that reality
Beyond that, all shall become golden in every way
Through thick and thin my words are always here to stay
Come travel far and away with me,
There are so many places to travel in our hearts, souls, and minds
Travel far away with me!

Written on 6/5/13
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