Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 9) Poem by Dr John Celes

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 9)

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By boat, He crossed and came to His own town;
They brought a paralytic on a bed;
When Jesus saw their faith, He said to him,
‘Courage, your sins have been forgiven you.’

At this some scribes began to tell themselves,
‘This man blasphemes for He forgives man’s sins! ’
As Jesus knew what they were thinking then,
He asked, ‘Why do you harbor evil thoughts? ’
Say which is easier saying, ‘Your sins are
Forgiven or rise and walk, ’ Thus Jesus asked.

‘To prove the Son of Man has power on earth
To forgive sins, He told the sick person,
‘Arise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.’
The man rose immediately and went home.
Awe-struck, the crowd then glorified the Lord,
For giving such authority to man.

As Jesus passed, he saw a man Matthew,
Sitting at the customs’ post. He told him,
‘Follow me.’ He got up and followed Him.’

And at the table, in His house, there sat
Tax-collectors and sinners with Jesus.
The Pharisees then asked his disciples,
‘Why does your teacher eat with such people? ’

As Jesus heard, he said, ‘Those that are well
Don’t need a physician but sick ones do.’
‘Go learn the meaning of the words, ’ He said:
‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice;
I came to call sinners, and not righteous.’

Then the disciples of John asked Jesus,
‘Why do the Pharisees and we, fast much?
Why don’t your disciples fast anytime? ’

Then Jesus asked, ‘Can wedding guests mourn when
Their bridegroom stays along with them as long?
Those days will come when bridegroom has to leave,
And then the wedding guests will fast like you.’

‘No one will patch an old cloak with new cloth;
For, when the new cloth shrinks, the tear gets worse.
Neither they put new wine in old wine-skins;
For, both the skins burst and the wine spills out.
They fill new wine in only new wine-skins;
Both are preserved and destroyed is not one.’

Just then, an official came to Jesus,
Knelt down to Him and said, ‘My daughter’s dead! ’
But if you lay your hand on her, she’ll live.’

Jesus followed him with his disciples.
A woman menorrhagic for twelve years,
Behind him came and touched His cloak’s tassel;
She said to herself, ‘If I can but touch
The fringe of His garment, I shall be cured!
Then Jesus turned around and said to her,
‘Courage my daughter, your faith has saved you.’
And at that moment, that woman got cured.

When Jesus reached the official’s house, then
A crowd had gathered, causing commotion;
He said, ‘Just leave, the girl’s not dead but sleeps! ’
The people there ridiculed Him for this;
When Jesus took the girl by hand, she rose;
The news then spread throughout the land quite fast.

As Jesus passed, two blind men followed Him,
And cried, ‘O son of David, pity us.’
When Jesus asked them, ‘Do you believe me? ’
They replied, ‘Yes, .my Lord, in one loud voice.

Then Jesus touched their eyes in turns and said,
‘Let it be done according to your faith.’
They got their sight and Jesus warned sternly,
‘See that none come to know about your sight.’
But they went out and spread word of Jesus.

By then, a mute demoniac was brought;
And when the demon was sent out, he spoke.
The crowd was astonished when this happened.
They said, ‘Nothing like this has Israel seen.’

But Pharisees then said, ‘Prince of demons
Is able to drive out other demons.’

Then Jesus went to towns and villages,
And taught in synagogues in all temples,
Proclaiming Gospel of the kingdom and
Curing diseases and illnesses all.

His heart was filled with pity seeing crowds,
Who looked abandoned and troubled in life,
And wandered akin sheep without shepherd.

He said, ‘The harvest is so abundant;
But laborers are few in number found;
So, ask the Master for more harvesters!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-30-2007

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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