On Retirement Poem by Dr John Celes

On Retirement

Rating: 3.8

Retire man, so what!
’Tis just a natural thing
That many tend to do.

’Tis not the end;
’Tis a beginning, dear friend;
’Tis a Godsend;
And He will fend.

So, keep your calm;
Retirement’s a balm,
For wearied body, mind!
A new happiness, you’ll find.

And God will take you,
In a newer direction;
With Heaven as goal,
Why then worry, pal?

Cheer up man!
And pray as fervently as you can;
Life will be fine,
Once again.

God will provide;
God will decide;
Just rest awhile
And wear a smile.

Today will be gone;
The morrow will be born;
God will your life adorn
When comes a new morn!

A new door opens, right today;
Despair not brother, ne’er, nay!
This is your great DAY!
You’ll soon be in your new way!
God bless you!

Rajnish Manga 11 May 2017

Welcoming the day of retirement with such a sublime approach and blissfulness is amazing. @@@ So, keep your calm / Retirement’s a balm, For wearied body, mind / A new happiness, you’ll find. God bless you!

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Bharati Nayak 13 August 2015

Yes, life opens new door when one closes.Only we have to look for it.Looking at retirement with full of hopes, the poem is an excellent write.

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Ramesh Rai 18 July 2015

Yes retirement is the beginning of a new life. Please have a look on my retirement

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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