Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxxvi) Poem by Dr John Celes

Bible Stories: Job (Chapter Xxxvi)

O wait a bit and I’ll tell you,
Some more justice, I got to do;
My words on God’s behalf aren’t o’er;
My knowledge comes from the Maker.

My theme cannot fail me indeed;
The God of perfection will lead;
The obstinate of hearts are left
By God and wicked’s life bereft.

God vindicates the oppressed one;
The just man can’t be over-run;
The deserved ones are given rights;
The wicked spend just sleepless nights.

God sets the kings upon their thrones;
For all atheists, no one bemoans;
The righteous will be exalted;
The unscrupulous, forev’r humbled.

God binds the wicked in fetters,
And gives them afflictions, jitters;
He tells them what their blunders are,
And explains every sinful scar.

He gives them time to correct ways;
And exhorts them to change their gaze;
If they obey His commandments,
He defers further punishments.

And if they serve Him, once again,
He gives them timely sun and rain;
But if they stay on earth foolish,
For lack of knowledge, they perish.

In anger lies impious heart,
And suffering, one cannot cart;
When they remain still young, they die;
And yet, they don’t call One most High.

God saves the unlucky earthlings;
Through distress, they turn good beings;
Take heed, those who do evil then;
Thrown you’ll be, into lion’s den.

Behold, the supreme power, God;
Who can teach better than the Lord?
Who dare prescribe Him His conduct?
Who dare tell Him, ‘it’s misconduct! ’

Should you not His work then extol?
Should you not praise Him with songs all?
Beyond our knowledge is the Lord;
He is the one most sublime, God.

He makes the water-drops of rain,
And showers them on mankind again;
And thus, the nations get their food,
Receiving their nourishment good.

The Master of the Universe-
Who’s empowered to order/ curse,
The lightning, thunder and the storm,
To start or stop in any form.

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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