Blue Waves, Blue Line, Police Blue: Two Neighbors Who Live Across The Street Here On Westcreek Place In Raleigh, Nc Carry Police Water Poem by Dennis Ryan

Blue Waves, Blue Line, Police Blue: Two Neighbors Who Live Across The Street Here On Westcreek Place In Raleigh, Nc Carry Police Water

Fourth of July morning, July 4, 2023, begun at 7: 52 a.m. and finished 8: 18 a.m.; Wednesday morning, July 5, 2023, begun at 5: 06 a.m. and finished at 5: 12 a.m.

Last night, Old Tom Thumb swung a large tree branch
over his head in his driveway, like a chimp in the jungle,
while the neighborhood 'police woman' Michelle Wells
couldn't mind her own business, this busy body getting
her nose into my business time and again—she 'carries
water' for the police, does Raleigh PD's bidding, gets in
the way, interferes in my affairs as they relate to Old Tom
who lives across the street—across from her on Westcreek Place in Raleigh, NC—Old Tom, who now in his 80's has attempted to trap neighborhood cats, ours, in contrivances
he placed under his bushes, Old Tom who also worked at
the behest of the police in a Bruggher's Bagels near Tyron
Road in Cary, NC, and who acts for them now, as happened
again last night, threatening to hit me with this 6-7 foot tree
branch, his wife finally restraining him in front of our mailbox
at the end of our driveway at about 8 p.m. These are, in
a word, 'the neighbors across the street'. Oh, you don't
want them as neighbors either? I see. They're out to sea—
out to sea, drowning in blue, blue waves, blue line, police blue.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: neighbor,police,police brutality,trees,sea,blue,blue planet,violence,trauma,psychology,acting,action,theatre
Our neighbors across the street here on Westcreek Place, Raleigh, NC 27606, are used by the Raleigh PD in covert operations.
Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
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