Book Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



"Reading book, extends thoughts."
-said Nima, my first son
-to Puya, second one.

Then he said of how films
-short or long, serials
-are like food:
- "Chewed, Eaten, then puked! "

And was right.
And is right.

Films take all what we've got
-attention of ears and the eyes
-well into depths of mind
-hardly leaving us time
-to divert, think about
- "And what if? "
- "What was left as unsaid? "

I read of First-World-War
-which in fact was seed of
-bloodsheds and the fights
-of today, in Yemen and Hejaz
-to ISIS, Middle East, Damascus!

When reading, I think of
-deserts' dunes, water wells
-as well as rainwater
-and cisterns, and camels…

I draw maps, faces
-give shape to all of them
-to the gold spent by Snakes
-to looting Bedews; by Britain!
-I hear mines blast,
-see trains off-tracked!

While reading I think of
-guerillas, Ahmad-Shah;
-and him with dynamites
-bridges, roads and paths
- (Masood harmed Soviets!)

I recall commanders
-gathering with master
-to plan future and further.

"Sir, pray that I die
-long before you are gone! "
-said one of Ghomandans
-to leader ‘Ahmad-Shah'
- (The Masood)
-all of men laughed for while!

First, they thought, loyalty
-till Ahmad asked him: "Why? "
-Then the fact was revealed:
- "I fear if you die before me
-you set a dynamite underneath
-the bridge to heaven…
-Hell will be forceful end! "

With the book I have a
-magical Red-Carpet;
-fly, soar to skies
-all over equator to polar
-and become wave in seas.

With the book on Lawrence
- (valuable text-book for USA)
-I see how Yankees in uniform
-taught of this, are trained,
-to plan and act in Middle East:
- "Buy some and bribe them
-to mislead rest of them.
-Set fire, destroy and kill the
-entangled preys in the false hate!
-Be soft and claim good intention
-as if filled with love for everyone,
-and wanting to help them.
-Brainwash, carve borders
-with flags and anthems…
-Then harass, insult them! ! ! "

Monday, May 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: books
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