Nassy Fesharaki

Nassy Fesharaki Poems

About a decade had passed
Bertrand Russell had written
Why I Am Not a Christian
In 1957

Hands in air

In news see some tanks
Next to them the soldiers

Child birth

She knew everything
About us; awake or deep asleep.

Ay poets
Ay people
Toronto, Canada
Continents, Africa, Asia

Beak yellow
Spotty the feathers
(Gold on black)
Tail is short

It was more beard than anything else
In poetry they converged, varied in age

Eyes and nose

With impacts I came home
In the heat, cold no more.

A single mother

Sit, rewind what observed.

So sexy

Shameless she stands there in open
And throws her clothes in single…

Doves in the cold

Like carving; you and me
On the young, wild tree

In my heart
In this room
A carpet and a loom
Were designed to gloom

Being a poet

And what is a poet?
-can compare to a bird!



Tick, tick, tick
Move and sing hands of clock

Small head

Don't know why for some time
-I have been thinking of



Syria be aware
I love you

Died to live

Humble he
-is my best

My pass

Have stamps in my pass,
Lecturers, orators

I am out

They tell me of the dog
-feel arrow in my heart.

Feeling good

Music of Andes,
Symphonia playing,

To Brother Jesse

This ladder, brother
-is endless to heaven

Nassy Fesharaki Biography

Poet was born in a small village in the rugged heights of Iran. Fesharak is surrounded by many tall mountains that act as walls around the village. He could have become a farmer or a shepherd but destiny took him out to be a man of travel and languages. Canada, where he lives, has added to the opportunity of befriending the international cultures and people of many origins.)

The Best Poem Of Nassy Fesharaki

Why I Am Not A Christian

About a decade had passed
Bertrand Russell had written
Why I Am Not a Christian
In 1957

It was an Essay
An effort to perform or attempt
A French Word
In writing

'In God we trust'
That was an official motto
In USA replacing 1782
In 1956

Bravely speaking out
Even against the God
Against the Lord

But he was also against
Mass production

The world’s need for needle
Is limited so if...
The question was
What if...?

What if machine fulfills
A year’s need
In a day
What then?

Jobless machine
He said and...And?
His comment fell on deaf ears

Ownership of wealth is
99% holding one percent
And One percent 99%
Get ready for disaster...

Nassy Fesharaki Comments

Prabir Gayen 17 February 2019

Nassy Fesharaki.. very talented poet

1 1 Reply

sounds really great. you are showing your emotions nice. you will have great future in poetry. i invite you to read my poems. as a friendly look.

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