Boys Poem by deepika pal


Missing, crying and looking
at the damn door
with an hope that if
noone else atleast u'll come
to give me your support.
Staring crying at the door
thinking of my fault or mistake
which I had done
I still remember those
word of yours
whenever I was sad
or not in the happy mood
you were the one who
used to make me explain
that I am an idiot or fool
because I have you
but now I am all alone
with no one around
in this whole huge world
may be its not his fault
the thing is that
he is a damn boy
and boys are like that
without thinking of anyone's pain
they only think of themselves
and their own personal gain
well fact is that he is a boy
and I am a bloody hell girl
I never thought of this
but you are the one
who made me realize
now there is a huge gap between us
like the two shores of same river
we may be together but indeed
we are very far from eachother
I considered him my best friend
well its my fault that
I think of him my friend
I thought if noone else
he will be always there fo me
in this huge world
but I will not blame him
because it's my fault
Inever think of this that
they are totally different from me
just wanted to sat thanks
for all the love and time
you had given me holding me and
caring for me

Indira Babbellapati 12 August 2008

absolutely in tune with all your 18 years, deepika...

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Gregory Collins 24 May 2008

i really like the continual voice spread through this poem, as for the sadness and seemingly abrupt spilling of passion, i saute it for the brave soul you are, look forward to, perhaps, more writes from your depths

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