Broken Poem by Anhelica Velasqsuez


Im broken
theres no outher way to put it
i cant be that normal anymore
i try and try, but its too hard
no body ever listened
now some one dose, i told him
he knows, kinda
no details, but he gets it
i've got scar after scar
and bruise ater bruise
i can't let him see it,
but i can't hide it from him either
I don't wana slip
i'm scared to
i might not come back.
its dark in there,
in my mind that is,
i was locked in there once,
with myself and no one else
they couldnt get in and i couldn't get out,
my mind was lost,
and at first i didnt notice,
people would get worried
but then they decided i was fine
i would try to pretend i was ok
people watched
and i pretended i was happy
or at least tried to
but i was never a good actor
but now i really am happy, kinda
till the dreams come and the memmorys
every now and then i leave,
i don't mean to, but my head dosnt care,
eventually though, i come back,
i may not remember what happened,
when i was gone, but i mostly shrug it off
my friend waits till im fine again
my family just stopped carring
they just formed thier lives around me,
they just adjust to each other,
and leave me out,
people stopped carring
my voice came back, i do talk noe,
but my mind comes and goes as it pleases,
sometimes my voice goes with it,
like a vacation to hell,
i'm still broken,
i can't be fixed,
the tears stopped,
i can't remember
how to cry anymore,
the pain still stings, i think it allways will
memmorys still burnin my mind,
iprrsnow to cool it,
ammnesia would help alot,
but, then i'd forget about.
my horribly strange not so family
my pateint forgiving boyfreind,
and the only real friends i have.
then i wouldn t be me
i wouldn't only be broken and scarred
but i would be completely lost
but isnt that what i am now?
just some lost cause
a pointless girl,
with pointless hopes?
or all dreams?
am i trash then?
i'm like a bannana peel?
used then thrown away?
its just plain sad, pathetic,
but, i dont mind pain anymore,
or at least not my own,
but if i was hurting my
friends or family,
i'd stop, i would just get up and go,
not run away but run to,
or i'd at least try.
yes i'm broken.
but i am NOT worthless or trash,
i'm a person,
no matter how messed up i am,
and so are you.

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