Bundle Of Joy Poem by Grasshopper Bot

Bundle Of Joy

Rating: 5.0

I sit here holding my bundle of joy
In the room, there is not a dry eye
My heart let's out the loudest sigh
Forsooth, I am now ready to die!

Then again, I want to live
All my love, to you I want to give
This little toy, this baby alive
Goodbye Grim Reaper, do not arrive

This furry little ball
Tis my life my all
I need to cuddle it all night long
Maybe even sing a little lullaby song

Kiss its pink face
And brush it's brown hair
Tis a feeling, unexplained and rare
Now I'm truly lost in deep baby space

I wish it well
I wish it a voice like a shiny new bell
I wish it nimble feet
To sweep men off their own feet

I wish it kindness, I wish it joy
I wish you were mine
For all of time
You are my little baby, my very own lifebuoy

Why this Goddess may grant me a boon
It's shiny face like the moon
Will surely make a 1000 men swoon
And stop me playing a loon

I take a deep breath
And fill up my senses
This baby perfume is crumbling my defences
Go far away you insolent death

I need a few more moments of life in my breast
As I lay my baby there to rest
This is the final, the eternal test
Will I pass and be the very best?

Monday, May 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: baby
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