Buried Pieces Poem by Tabitha Nyssa DiNola DiNola

Buried Pieces

With each loss we bury, I bury a piece of myself. I'm losing so many lately. Losing my shine it has become but a dim light, a sliver so fine. A brother lost, and with it our childhood laughter, memories of mischief and joy, now lost in time like you were, sweet boy. A father in-law heavy in wisdom, I'll miss his talks and our morning breakfast outings, another piece gone. A grandmother, a mother really, her warmth and affection have departed, I am left here broken hearted. So long to that piece as well. A grandfather, his knowledge in life knew no bounds. He could always make me laugh even when all I wanted was to frown. So long to that part as well ciao Nonno, that piece of my heart torn asunder. Truly what more could life muster. A mother sure why not, though the relationship was strained the love remained, with her goes my sanity I'm sure because honestly how much more tragedy and loss could one life endure. So as I bury them, I bury me and pray there's something left, for like these people that I loved so dear, I fear I too shall disappear and leave those who remain bereft left reeling from this theft.

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