But I’m Out There (1) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

But I’m Out There (1)

“Some sit in churches far and wide
They search for life above
They seek The Truth, but I’m outside
Performing works of love

I see the need of every child
I know and hear their cry
Complacence though is running wild
And so my children die

The earth is mine, and all within
The church is but a part
Go heal the sick those lost to sin
If Love is in your heart

Go show the world you really care
Reveal that I’m alive
Make known the promise that you share
So they like you, may thrive

You’ve freely drank Salvation’s Spring
Received my precious Dew
The truth should rise on eagle’s wing
Not hide within a pew

The thirsty world can soon be quenched
Through you my love I’ll give
When then from death my children’s wrenched
Through you they’ll know I live

With you they’ll enter Heaven’s doors
If you my child take heed
You’ll take these words and make them yours
You’ll take your Father’s Seed

Take up in Christ the living plough
Hold fast for all you’re worth
My Spirit child will show you how
The truth can save the earth…PTO…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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